Our Approach

Our deep industry knowledge coupled with our deep understanding of the Kuwaiti market and our close partnerships with clients enable us to bring fresh perspectives and creative solutions to our clients’ problems. Our entrepreneurial spirit drives us to continually discover better ways to address clients’ needs, ultimately effecting positive change for them, for their industries, and for the world.


We strongly believe in specialization, and have oriented our organizational structure and professional development processes to create an environment that develops world-class experts and helps them succeed. Our understanding of our clients and the sectors in which we do business is deep and nuanced, and this specialized expertise helps us to find solutions that have real impact and help our clients win. We are rigorous in seeking the best answer, not just the one that is most readily accepted. With the benefit of true expert knowledge and practical experience, we deliver thoughtful, creative, and powerful work.


We know that no two markets are the same and that adding real value to businesses today requires a unique understanding of the market situation and dynamics. By leveraging KIA and the Kuwait Fund’s deep understanding of the Kuwaiti economy and Oliver Wyman’s numerous engagements with prominent Kuwaiti companies across a range of industries, we ensure our consultants have all the tools they require to develop tailored solutions that deliver long-lasting results to clients.


We ensure our work has lasting benefit by developing a close bond with our clients and being deeply committed to their success. We take a hands-on approach to our work and collaborate across all levels of client organizations, from the boardroom to the front line. We understand that real, sustainable impact is always our end goal and that only by working closely with our clients, transferring knowledge to Kuwaiti nationals, and contributing to the formation of human capital in Kuwait can we achieve this level of change. We roll up our sleeves and fully partner with our clients.


At TICG, we are motivated to work alongside clients on their toughest, most complex challenges and find solutions. At the same time, our people challenge one another to look for ways to evolve our own firm so that we can sustain our competitive edge and contribute to the communities in which we work. In all that we do, internally and externally, we are committed to advancing a better way.


At Tri International Consulting Group – TICG, we firmly believe that Kuwait has a potential competitive edge and that it will maintain that edge far into the future. We are engaged with interested partners in top corporations and with leading government agencies in the region in addressing the complex issues they face. Along with our partner, Oliver Wyman, TICG can more readily bring our full breadth of experience and depth of expertise within the Middle East to our clients in the country. We will continue to invest in Kuwait as a growth area for our business and remain committed to helping clients across the region to develop, strengthen, and grow their businesses.

– Dr. Mithqal Sartawi